About One Love Honey Bee

Amelia Playing in the Dirt … !

I love to spend with Nature and all of the elements that contribute to the sustaining cycles of life. I thrive when I have my hands in the dirt. Cultivating, studying, and creating products with bioregional botanicals is a continual life learning and deep passion.

I have been living in the high desert of the Southwest for that last 21 years.  For the last 12 years I have been cultivating a botanical urban garden in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The One Love Honey Bee urban backyard garden was featured on the 2015 sustainable garden and coop tour, an annual fundraiser for Home Grown New Mexico.  My high desert urban garden consists of several raised garden beds of edible, herbal, and pollinator botanicals: fruit trees, cacti garden, roof water harvesting, chickens and backyard naturally-managed beehives.

I have been tending to backyard beehives for the last 12 years, which led to my study of apitherapy and self-treatment.  I create products utilizing the elements of the beehive along with cultivated and wildcrafted local plants.

I have been a full time natural therapeutics specialist and holistic bodyworker for the last 18 years. Many modalities and trainings are included in my practice. A few are hotstone massage, polarity therapy, Ortho-Bionomy(R), cranio sacral, flower essences and vibrational remedies.

Flowering thyme is one of my favorites for infusing honey. Historically known as an anti-viral plant.
Mullein leaf can be used in tea for lung health.








I believe in empowering my clients and friends and community to connect with the plants growing around them in their backyard garden–to utilize food and plants to assist the innate wisdom of the body to heal dis-ease and disconnection through connection.

Discover your own medicine – take a look around your surroundings what is growing in your garden or local environment.  Often the botanicals that we have a relationship with will be our greatest allies in a variety of supportive ways.  This can be a flower blossom expression that excites our olfactory system, to the food/medicine plant edibles that we can cultivate or forage in our bio regions.

Backyard yuccas in bloom.

Many botanicals are easily grown in planters, raised beds, and direct in the ground soil. depending on your climate and location.

I prefer and believe in the power of utilizing regional plants instead of rare and imported. Sustainability is a very important conversation when using botanical remedies and products of the beehive. Cultivating a few herbs for tea/salves/infused honey will enrich your own apothecary.

For myself, I feel connected when I can cultivate or harvest plants growing in the environment around me. Using beeswax from my backyard beehive that was melted with a solar beeswax filter makes me feel gratitude. Joy in the gift of pure beeswax; relief that l know the wax is from a pesticide-free managed beehive. there is relationship to the hive.  This connection to the ingredients, I believe, resonates a frequency that assists in the healing potential.  There are many ways and forms of relationship and connection. Have fun exploring your own unique apothecary.